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Sunday, July 16, 2017


Image result for edward lowassa
Aliyekuwa waziri mkuu nchini Tanzania na mgombea wa urais katika chama cha upinzani Chadema katika uchaguzi uliopita Edward Lowassa amewataka Wakenya kuvumiliana wakati huu ambapo taifa hilo linakaribia uchaguzi.
Akizungumza nchini Kenya katika mazishi ya aliyekuwa waziri wa usalama nchini humo marehemu Joseph Nkaiserry, Lowassa amesema kuwa kenya inapaswa kujifunza kutoka kwa machafuko ya uchaguzi ya mwaka 2007.
Matamshi yake yaliungwa mkono na rais wa Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta aliyewataka wafuasi wake na wale wa kiongizi wa upinzani Raila Odinga kuvumiliana.

Rais wa Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta
Image captionRais wa Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta

Uhuru alisema kuwa hakuna haja ya kupakana tope za matusi akiongezea kuwa matusi hayasaidii.
''Sisi sote ni Wakenya , hatuna taifa jingine la kujenga baada ya uchaguzi ,tunaomba amani, amani amani'', alisema rais Uhuru Kenyatta.
Matamshi ya Uhuru na Lowassa yanajiri wakati ambapo wafuasi wa upinzani na wale wanaounga mkono serikali wamekuwa wakiwazomea viongozi wanaotoka pande pinzani katika mikutano ya kampeni na hata kusababisha mikutano hiyo kusitishwa.
Lowassa amesema kuwa Kenya ni tegemio la kiuchumi katika mataifa ya Afrika mashariki hivyobasi inafaa kuwa mfano kwa kuhakikisha kuwa taifa hili halijiingizi tena katika jinamizi la machafuko yalioonekana miaka 10 iliopita.
''Ombeni musirudi katika mapigano yaliotokea mwaka 2007, Kenya iko mbele kushinda taifa lolote lile Afrika mashariki na tunataka muendelee kusonga mbele.

Marehemu Jenerali Joseph Nkaessary alikuwa waziri wa usalama nchini Kenya
Image captionMarehemu Jenerali Joseph Nkaissery alikuwa waziri wa usalama nchini Kenya

Lowasa alisema kuwa marehemu Nkaissery aliamini sana Umoja wa Afrika mashariki na alijitolea kufanya kazi na akawataka viongozi wengine kuiga mfano wake.
Naye rais Uhuru aliongezea kwamba Kenya na Tanzania ni pacha na zitaendelea kuimarisha ushirikiano wao kwa lengo la kurahisisha biashara na usalama kati ya raia wa mataifa hayo mawili.
Miongoni mwa wale waliohudhuria mkutano huo ni pamoja na kiongozi wa upinzani nchini Kenya Raila Odinga na naibu wa rais William Ruto

Monday, June 27, 2016


                                                                                                                                             Rais  dr John pombe Joseph   Magufuli amewateua Dkt. Binilith Satano Mahenge kuwa Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Ruvuma.
Aidha Bi. Zainab R. Telack amehamishwa na kuwa mkuu wa mkoa wa Shinyanga.
Vilevile Rais Magufuli amemteua Dkt. Charles F. Mlingwa kuwa Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mara.
''Walioteuliwa wataapishwa tarehe 29 Juni, 2016 saa tatu kamili asubuhi Ikulu Jijini Dar es salaam na mara baada ya kuapishwa watakula kiapo cha maadili ya uongozi'' taarifa hiyo kwa vyombo vya habari inasema.
Na katika hatua ya kipekee rais Magufuli amewastaafisa maafisa wakuu wa wilaya waliohitimu miaka 60.
Bwana Magufuli aliwateua wakuu wa wilaya 139.
Wakuu wa Wilaya waliosalia madarakani ni 39 pekee.
''Nafasi 78 za uteuzi wa wakuu wa wilaya zimejazwa na watanzania wengine ambao wameteuliwa kwa mara ya kwanza wengi wao wakiwa ni vijana, wenye elimu ya kutosha na uzoefu katika maeneo mbalimbali''.
Taarifa hiyo ya ikulu iliyotiwa sahihi na kaimu mkurugenzi wa mawasiliano, ikulu Gerson Msigwa inaongezea
Orodha kamili ya walioteuliwa ni kama ifuatavyo.
Arusha - Mrisho Mashaka Gambo
Arumeru - Alexander Pastory Mnyeti
Ngorongoro - Rashid Mfaume Taka
Longido - Daniel Geofrey Chongolo
Monduli - Idd Hassan Kimanta
Karatu - Therezia Jonathan Mahongo
Kinondoni - Ally Hapi
Ilala - Sophia Mjema
Temeke - Felix Jackson Lyaviva
Kigamboni - Hashim Shaibu Mgandilwa
Ubungo - Hamphrey Polepole
Chamwino - Vumilia Justine Nyamoga
Dodoma - Christina Solomon Mndeme
Chemba - Simon Ezekiel Odunga
Kondoa - Sezeria Veneranda Makutta
Bahi - Elizabeth Simon
Mpwapwa - Jabir Mussa Shekimweli
Kongwa - John Ernest Palingo
Bukombe - Josephat Maganga
Mbogwe - Matha John Mkupasi
Nyang'wale - Hamim Buzohera Gwiyama
Geita - Herman C. Kipufi
Chato - Shaaban Athuman Ntarambe
Mufindi - Jamhuri David William
Kilolo - Asia Juma Abdallah
Iringa - Richard Kasesela
Biharamulo - Saada Abraham Mallunde
Karagwe - Geofrey Muheluka Ayoub
Muleba - Richard Henry Ruyango
Kyerwa - Col. Shaban Ilangu Lissu
Bukoba - Deodatus Lucas Kinawilo
Ngara - Lt. Col. Michael M. Mtenjele
Missenyi - Lt. Col Denis F. Mwila
Mlele - Rachiel Stephano Kasanda
Mpanda - Lilian Charles Matinga
Tanganyika - Saleh Mbwana Mhando
Kigoma - Samsoni Renard Anga
Kasulu - Col. Martin Elia Mkisi
Kakonko - Col. Hosea Malonda Ndagala
Uvinza - Mwanamvua Hoza Mlindoko
Buhigwe - Col. Elisha Marco Gagisti
Kibondo - Luis Peter Bura
Siha - Onesmo Buswelu
Moshi - Kippi Warioba
Mwanga - Aaron Yeseya Mmbago
Rombo - Fatma Hassan Toufiq
Hai - Gelasius Byakanwa
Same - Rosemary Senyamule Sitaki
Nachingwea - Rukia Akhibu Muwango
Ruangwa - Joseph Joseph Mkirikiti
Liwale - Sarah Vicent Chiwamba
Lindi - Shaibu Issa Ndemanga
Kilwa - Christopher Emil Ngubiagai
Babati - Raymond H. Mushi
Mbulu - Chelestion Simba M. Mofungu
Hanang' - Sara Msafiri Ally
Kiteto - Tumaini Benson Magessa
Simanjiro - Zephania Adriano Chaula
Rorya - Simon K. Chacha
Serengeti - Emile Yotham Ntakamulenga
Bunda - Lydia Simeon Bupilipili
Butiama - Anarose Nyamubi
Tarime - Glodious Benard Luoga
Musoma - Dkt. Vicent Anney Naano
Chunya - Rehema Manase Madusa
Kyela - Claudia Undalusyege Kitta
Mbeya - William Ntinika Paul
Rungwe - Chalya Julius Nyangidu
Mbarali - Reuben Ndiza Mfune
Gairo - Siriel Shaid Mchembe
Kilombero - James Mugendi Ihunyo
Mvomero - Mohamed Mussa Utali
Morogoro - Regina Reginald Chonjo
Ulanga - Kassema Jacob Joseph
Kilosa - Adam Idd Mgoyi
Malinyi - Majula Mateko Kasika
Newala - Aziza Ally Mangosongo
Nanyumbu - Joakim Wangabo
Mtwara - Dkt. Khatibu Malimi Kazungu
Masasi - Seleman Mzee Seleman
Tandahimba - Sebastian M. Walyuba
Ilemela - Dkt. Leonald Moses Massale
Kwimba - Mhandisi Mtemi Msafiri Simeon
Sengerema - Emmanuel Enock Kipole
Nyamagana - Mary Tesha Onesmo
Magu - Hadija Rashid Nyembo
Ukerewe - Estomihn Fransis Chang'ah
Misungwi - Juma Sweda
Njombe - Ruth Blasio Msafiri
Ludewa - Andrea Axwesso Tsere
Wanging'ombe - Ally Mohamed Kassige
Makete - Veronica Kessy
Bagamoyo - Alhaji Majid Hemed Mwanga
Mkuranga - Filberto H. Sanga
Rufiji - Juma Abdallah Njwayo
Mafia - Shaibu Ahamed Nunduma
Kibaha - Asumpter Nsunju Mshama
Kisarawe - Happyness Seneda William
Kibiti - Gulamu Hussein Shaban Kifu
Sumbawanga - Dkt. Khalfan Boniface Haule
Nkasi - Said Mohamed Mtanda
Kalambo - Julieth Nkembanyi Binyura
Namtumbo - Luckness Adrian Amlima
Mbinga - Cosmas Nyano Nshenye
Nyasa - Isabera Octava Chilumba
Tunduru - Juma Homela
Songea - Polet Kamando Mgema
Kishapu - Nyambonga Daudi Taraba
Kahama - Fadhili Nkulu
Shinyanga - Josephine Rabby Matiro
Busega - Tano Seif Mwera
Maswa - Sefu Abdallah Shekalaghe
Bariadi - Festo Sheimu Kiswaga
Meatu - Joseph Elieza Chilongani
Itilima - Benson Salehe Kilangi
Mkalama - Jackson Jonas Masako
Manyoni - Mwembe Idephonce Geofrey
Singida - Elias Choro John Tarimo
Ikungi - Fikiri Avias Said
Iramba - Emmanuel Jumanne Luhahula
Songwe - Samwel Jeremiah
Ileje - Joseph Modest Mkude
Mbozi - Ally Masoud Maswanya
Momba - Juma Said Irando
Nzega - Geofrey William Ngudula
Kaliua - Busalama Abel Yeji
Igunga - Mwaipopo John Gabriel
Sikonge - Peres Boniphace Magiri
Tabora - Queen Mwashinga Mlozi
Urambo - Angelina John Kwingwa
Uyui - Gabriel Simon Mnyele
Tanga - Thobias Mwilapwa
Muheza - Mhandisi Mwanaisha Rajab Tumbo
Mkinga - Yona Lucas Maki
Pangani - Zainab Abdallah Issa
Handeni - Godwin Crydon Gondwe
Korogwe - Robert Gabriel
Kilindi - Sauda Salum Mtondoo
Lushoto - Januari Sigareti Lugangika
Wakuu wote wa Wilaya walioteuliwa wataapishwa Jumatano.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Kamati kuu ya CCM yatangaza majina 3 ya kugombea nafasi ya uspika wa bunge la 11.
Hatimaye kamati kuu ya chama cha mapinduzi CCM imetegua kitendawili cha majina ya makada watatu watakaowania kuchaguliwa kugombea nafasi ya uspika wa bunge la 11 kupitia chama hicho kwa kuwatangaza naibu mwanasheria mkuu wa Tanzania  Dk Tulia Atson, Mbunge wa Afrika Mashariki Abdula Mwinyi na naibu spika wa bunge la 10 Job Ndugai kuwa wagombea.
Katibu wa NEC itikadi na uenezi wa CCM Nape Nnauye anataja majina hayo baada ya kukamilika kwa kikao cha kamati kuu kilichokutana takribani saa moja na nusu kikitanguliwa na kikao cha kamati ya maadili kupitia majina ya makada 21 waliojitokeza kuomba nafasi hiyo.
Kwa upande wa nafasi ya naibu spika chama hicho kimesema mchakato huo utaanza mapema jumatatu November 16 kwa wanaotaka kuwania nafasi hiyo kuchukua fomu na kuzirudisha siku inayofuatia kabla ya kujadiliwa na kupitishwa majina kupitia kamati ya wabunge wa CCM huku mmoja kati ya mmoja kati ya makada aliyekuwa akiwania nafasi hiyo Banda Sonoko akipongeza mfumo unaotumika kupata nafasi hiyo.
Wakati huohuo  chama cha wakulima (AFP) kimemtangaza Peter Sarungi kuwa mgombea wa nafasi hiyo huku akijinadi kama atapata ridhaa ya kuliongoza bunge atahakikisha anavunja makundi yote yanayotokana na itikadi ndani ya bunge ili bunge liwe la haki na usawa kwa wote.
Uchaguzi wa spika mpya wa bunge la 11 la Jamuhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania unatarajiwa kufanyika jumanne tarehe 17 mwezi huu punde tu baada ya kufunguliwa kwake.


      Mwenyekiti wa CHADEMA mkoa wa Geita na aliyekuwa mgombea ubunge jimbo la Busanda, Alphonce Mawazo amefariki dunia kwa kupigwa na watu wasiojulikana leo saa 9 mchana, mkoani Geita.
Taarifa zinadai kuwa Mawazo ameuawa baada ya kutokea vurugu zilizohusisha wafuasi wa CHADEMA na CCM katika kata ya Ludete wakati wa harakati za kampeni kuelekea uchaguzi mdogo wa diwani wa kata hiyo uliopangwa kufanyika Jumapili Novemba 15.
Kwa mujibu wa mashuhuda, wakati vurugu hizo zikitokea, Alphonce alionekana kukimbizwa na kundi la watu lililokuwa likipiga kelele kuita watu wengine, na baadaye kundi hilo na watu wengine kumkamata na kuanza kumshambulia kwa kutumia zana mbalimbali ikiwemo mapanga na mawe kabla ya kufariki dunia akiwa hospitali kutokana na kuvuja damu nyingi

Friday, October 23, 2015

President did a passable impression of the popular meme

                                                                  President Obama speaks to the media after meeting with House Speaker ...       President did a passable impression of the popular meme

          President Barack Obama, in a recent speech, compared the current crop of Republic presidential candidates to Grumpy Cat. “And it does make you wonder why is it that Republican politicians are so down on America? I mean, they are gloomy. They’re like Grumpy Cat,” Obama said. He was making a point about positivity and working like a team. But his excellent frowny-faced impression of the meme sent the audience into peals of laughter, The Hill reports.

DOJ Clears Lois Lerner, Closes IRS Investigation

Lerner in a House Oversight Committee hearing in in 2013.© Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo Lerner in a House Oversight Committee hearing in in 2013.
Congress wanted to jail her, but the Justice Department closed its investigation Friday into the IRS's handling of tax-exemption applications from political groups without pursuing criminal charges against Lois Lerner.

In a letter to congressional committees probing the allegations that Lerner knowingly presided over the improper targeting of conservative organizations, Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik said the DOJ "found no evidence that any IRS official acted based on political, discriminatory, corrupt, or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution."

The investigation, launched in May 2013, uncovered substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgement and institutional inertia, Kadzik stated. No IRS employee interviewed by the DOJ reported having any information suggesting actions were taken "with the purpose of harming or harassing applicants affiliated with the Tea Party or similar groups," he stated. Even politically conservative employees who were critical of Lerner's leadership and management style did not suspect their boss acted with political, discriminatory or corrupt purposes.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who grilled Lerner during tense House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearings, said the decision not to prosecute ignored "volumes of evidence in the public record and efforts to obstruct legitimate inquires.

"Americans' faith in government and in the IRS in particular, has been greatly eroded by an Administration that when confronted with instances of misconduct appears complicit in shielding those involved from responsibility. Giving Lois Lerner a free pass only reinforces the idea that government officials are above the law and that there is no consequence for wrongdoing."

The top Democrat on the committee, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, D-Md., called out the GOP for conducting "taxpayer-funded attacks."

"Over the past five years, Republicans in the House of Representatives have squandered literally tens of millions of dollars going down all kinds of investigative rabbit holes — IRS, Planned Parenthood, Benghazi — with absolutely no evidence of illegal activity," Cummings said in a statement. "I believe the American people have higher expectations for their elected officials, and they want Congress to start doing its job and focusing on issues that matter instead of these ridiculous, partisan, taxpayer-funded attacks."

"The Department of Justice investigation did conclude that the actions of IRS personnel involved in the scandal was 'disquieting' and in that we all agree," said House Judiciary Chairman Robert W. Goodlatte said in a statement. "However, the American people should be concerned that this kind of politicization continues to go unchecked by this Administration and a Justice Department charged with pursuing wrongdoing. You can be sure this will be a major issue during the Committee's DOJ oversight hearing with Attorney General Lynch next week."

a spanish billioner justoverthrew bill gates to became a richest man in the wolrd.

                                                                                                                                                                There's a new richest man in the world.
It's Spanish clothing magnate Amancio Ortega, who has overtaken Microsoft founder Bill Gates for the first time ever.
According to Forbes' real-time tracker, the elusive multibillionaire founder of European clothing retailer Zara just smashed past Bill Gates to become the wealthiest person on the planet, with a fortune of $79.8 billion (€71.83 billion or £51.84 billion). 
The elusive Ortega isn't as much of a household name as Gates, but he's quietly ascended the wealth rankings in recent years, as his company continues to perform well and expand.
Unlike many of the richest people in the world, Ortega has a fascinating rags-to-riches story. Born in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War, Ortega's father earned 300 pesetas a month, a meager salary. 
Ortega's biographer described his memories of a childhood during which his family could not always afford enough food. He left school in his early teens, working his way up from the absolute bottom rung as a messenger boy in a shop.
It wasn't until he was 40 years old that Ortega got around to setting up Zara, the fast-fashion retailer that has gone from strength to strength — first growing in Spain, then neighbouring Portugal and France, then London. Now it's all over the globe. 
According to Forbes, Ortega's wealth rose by 5.3%, another $4 billion, over the last 24 hours. That's partly down to a surge in Inditex shares, the parent company that owns Zara

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Freemasons Honoured by President Mkapa
Freemasons to donate tricycles, mattresses, mosquito nets etc.
Last evening Freemasons in Tanzania celebrated in Dar es Salaam 100 years of Freemasonry in East Africa at a gala banquet in a city hotel at which the Guests of Honour is expected to be President Mkapa and the First Lady. On that occasion Freemasons will donate 25 tricycles, mattresses, mosquito nets to orphanages and to a blind school.
Freemasons are helping many welfare causes in different parts of the country. Among them are the Kindwitwi Leprosy Centre in Utete; Mother Theresa Home for the Children, School for the Blind in Pongwe in Tanga Region; Orphanage and Leprosy Projects in Arusha; Montessori School in Mwanza; Mnazi Mmoja Hospital in Zanzibar; Missionaries of Charity and Buguruni School for the Deaf are all beneficiaries of our organization.
Freemasons have built a class room at Kinondoni Primary School, treated over 100 visually impaired patients in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar and provided artificial limbs to a large number of patients and in 1996 they donated £15,000/- for the victims of MV Bukoba disaster.
They are presently paying for the education expenses of the children of the victims of American Embassy bombing and have promised to do so untl they complete their high school education. It is the only organization supporting these victims.
English Freemasonry, which has been in existence for nearly 300 years and which over the period had amongst its membership Kings, Princes, Prime Ministers, religious and business leaders, scientists, movie actors, musicians and writers, came to East Africa in 1904 with the first meeting facility based in Zanzibar.
It was introduced in Tanzania in 1904 and over the years the visitors included President Theodore Roosevelt, His Royal Highness, The Duke of Windsor; His Royal Highness, the Duke of York who later became King George VI; His Royal Highness, The Duke of Connaught and Stratheam; the Rt Hon Lord Cornwallis; the Rt Hon Lord Swansea and the Rt Ho, The Earl of Eglington and Winton who were all Freemasons.
Their membership list runs like the world Who’s Who. His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, 14 American Presidents, amongst whom were Presidents George Washington, both the Roosevelts; Truman, Gerald Ford, George Bush, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.
Ten Australian Prime Ministers, 35 US Supreme Court Justices members, Generals Colin Powell and MacArthur. Other Freemansons include world leaders like Cecil Rhodes, Olof Palme, Ted Kennedy, Francois Mitterand, Napoleon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill, Willy Brandt, Robert McNamara, Edger Hoover and Tony Blair.
Others were religious leaders like Swami Vivekananda, former Archbishop of Canterbury Most Reverend Geoffrey Fisher, and Jesse Jackson, business leaders such as Fords, Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and Richard Wagner, Mozart, Shakespeare, Rudyard Kipling and Alexander Fleming. Neil Armstrong, the first man to land on the Moon was a freemason.
The present Head of English Freemasonry is His Royal Highness, The Duke of Kent a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and about 3,000 Freemasons in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and the Seychelles are headed by Sir Jayantilal Chande, a Tanzanian, who has been the leader of Freemasonry in East Africa for the past 18 years. The headquarters of this body established with the approval of the Registrar of Societies is located on Nyerere Road, Nairobi.
All Freemasons, drawn from different faiths are encouraged to believe in God as the Supreme Creator and they are exhorted to be law-abiding and faithful citizens. They should continuously work towards development of their spiritual and moral values and ethical standard.
Freemasonry the oldest fraternal organization, with the possible exception of Boys
Scouts Movement, is the largest in the world. Globally, about half a million Freemasons annually contribute about US$400 million to worthy causes.

      source       the official fremasons website in east africa.


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